Tuesday 9 July 2013

30 Day Manga Challenge: Day 5 - Your favorite horror manga(s)

Not a fan of this genre, but these two are pretty mind blowing and the first one always scared the life out of me, I never read Ghost Hunt at night, well, once, but I learnt not to do that again. And I often find my self covering my eyes when I read Shingeki no Kyojin. 

The first one has been published in Indonesia, hopefully Shingeki sould be published by Level comics (soon). 


  1. Aku punya loh animenya. Itu gambarnya nggak secakep yang di anime deh.

    1. yang mana? Ghost Hunt? Manga sama animenya beda artwork emang :3

    2. aku memang gak nonton animenya, tapi dah lihat artworknya, lebih seneng artwork manganya deh nis....
